Friday, June 27, 2008


Hey, everybody. Yesterday was my birthday, which I guess is exciting. Everyone always talks of how boring and anticlimactic every birthday is after your 21st birthday. I have no evidence from this year or last year to refute that statement (aside from my trip to see Robosaurus for my 22nd, mentioned below), but I do think it interesting to note that this year's birthday was the first birthday I've had outside of my home, away from my parents, and away from school. You could say that it was my first "grown-up" birthday, which I guess is something. My first "solo" birthday. Really, I've just come to the conclusion that I've enjoyed "grown-up" birthdays pretty much since I was too old for Transformers cakes with matching plates and napkins.

Wait, scratch that. If anyone wants to hook this up, I will love you forever.

But seriously, once I transitioned away from theme parties thrown by my mother, I've been more in favor of lower key gatherings, smaller functions, more intimate settings. I remember a few birthdays, like the birthday after Freshman year that we had at my mom's house in Plano. I remember getting sippy cups from Madelyn, and some really kickass Nintendo wristbands from . . . someone. It might have been a combined effort? Knowing her penchant for incredible gifts, I am almost certain Shelley was involved. Or was it John? Or Lisa? I can't remember at all. Sorry! I still have all of those, and they were quite the envy of the entire ultimate team. I remember the night being similar to my New Year's gatherings, but far more muted. It was just a chance for everyone to get together and enjoy everyone's company.

I remember that even my 21st birthday was pretty low key, maybe a little too low key. I don't think Shelley was there, for whatever reason, nor was Brandan. Probably because they hated me. But Lauren was there, and a few rather random fringe-friends that we managed to round up at the last moment, mostly roomates from that summer that I had close to zero connection with. I'm not sure why, but the entire night just seemed odd to me. A little off somehow. I remember getting my free t-shirt at the Aquarium, and I remember apple martinis at Apple Bar. Oh, I remember why the birthday felt kind of off. Cory was insistent on dictating where we went and when, which kind of pissed me off at the time. Of course, this was par for the course with him, I would learn over the next year, but at the time I remember it really bothering me. Anyway, enough about that.

I remember distinctly one of the best birthdays I've ever had, the birthday after Sophomore year where we held the party in Austin at Lauren's place. Lauren and I were at our best then, and everyone came down to celebrate with me. I know John was there, and Ben and Matt possibly as well. I even think Mike was there, but I might totally be making that one up. Shelley was there, I'm sure, just as she's always been there for the past (almost) six years. And of course Lauren was there, the organizer of it all and the brilliant host that she was. I distinctly remember making some sort of birthday toast before we cut the cake, thanking everyone for driving such a long distance and bothering to travel to come hang out with me on my birthday. And of course, I distinctly remember how much it upset Lauren that I somehow managed to not mention her in my little speech. And even though I am certain I thanked her countless times and doted on her far more than she probably would have liked (read: suffocated), I can't blame her for being upset. I honestly am not sure why I didn't thank her specifically. Without her the day would have been far less special. That's been something that's really bothered me for the past few years now, and I'm not sure it will ever stop bothering me.

And who could forget Shelley and I's trip to the Transformers Experience? I've effectively deified that night and the poster I got from it, which is hanging proudly on the wall across from my couch. A true place of honor, I think. It's really pretty sad to think that that was a whole year ago. Time moves so quickly, some times, and so slowly at other times. This current time being one example, where I find myself in a near empty office with little work to do, once again waiting on some semblance of a response from my over-stretched boss.

I digress.

Last night, I took off about an hour early from work. I got a haircut, and went to Gingerman for a happy hour with some work friends. They have a pub quiz there every Thursday night. Unfortunately for us, the guy who runs it was sick (I call bullshit), so the trivia was cancelled. I was pretty upset, until I remembered that the real reason we went there was to drink. I had an amber bock from the Rahr brewery, which is in downtown Fort Worth, and I had the Arrogant Bastard ale from, I think, Stone Brewery. It had more hops than I ever would have expected or desired in a single pint of beer. After a few drinks, we went back to my place and played Rock Band for a little bit. After everyone left, I watched some of my soccer on DVR (I am glad Spain won, I really enjoy their team . . . Unfortunately, they'll be coming up against my German powerhouse in the finals.) and played some WoW. Overall, a great night, but probably one that I won't remember for long. At least I found out where the Gingerman Fort Worth is. It is almost exactly like the one in Austin, except it looks a lot older and more established. It looks like an actual pub. I think the one in Austin is nicer and a lot cooler, but the wall of taps is the same, and that, I think, is the real reason people go there.

This weekend John and I are celebrating together with a (what appears to be) small gathering at his place. I believe the plan is to have a few drinks, get some dinner, go see Wall-E, and have some more drinks. I can't argue with any of these plans, especially since I just read that Wall-E was given four and a half stars and dubbed the "best robot movie of all time". As I was saying to Shelley a moment ago, apparently they have not seen the Transformers animated movie, but I will let it slide this one time. I am really excited for this movie.

I've rambled for long enough. I will conclude by saying the new Coldplay is solid from start to finish, the new Lil' Wayne is great after a few listens through, We The Kings still bring the emotionally imature emo rock that I love. That is all. Good day.


Shell said...

Have you recently redecorated your blog, or have I just not looked at it in a long time? I like it!

I am glad you had an enjoyable birthday. I found my 23rd, my first birthday away from school and in a foreign country, a little nerve racking but ultimately pleasant. The whole "grown up" birthday takes a little getting used to, at least for me. It's a good thing you found the ginger man ft worth. I'll be wanting to go there in a few weeks.

I remember those wrist bands. I was definitely involved, but I want to say someone else was as well, it might have even been Goddard. Maybe Lisa as well? I want to say we found them in Austin, but there is a chance it was also hot topic. It's pretty awful that neither of us can remember. I also remember those sippy cups. I still have, and love, that picture of you demonstrating their purpose. Was that the same year we all went to the Warped Tour?

Where the hell was I for your 21st birthday?! I apologize for being a terrible friend. This was junior year? Summer? I can't even begin to guess where I might have been. I suck. Sorry! Lets just assume I was somewhere really important with really important people and I couldn't get away even though I tried really really hard. Maybe you just didn't invite me...

The birthday party at Lauren's was a lot of fun. Not only did everyone come down and show you how loved you are... blah blah blah... but we had Kerbey Pancakes in the morning!! Sleepovers and pancakes, what else could you possibly want?

I rate that transformers night as the second greatest movie going experience of my life (sorry, but Snakes on a Plane just barely beats it). That was the best $85 I've ever spent. No doubt.

You'll have to tell me how Wall-E is, I am very curious. I wonder if I can convince anyone in this country to go see it with me. I am very sad I cannot celebrate with you and John this weekend - I would have most definitely arranged a Transformer cake with matching plates and napkins.

J. Goerner said...

wall-e was not only the best animated movie of all time, but it may rank up there with the best movies of all time

i thought it was absolutely great . . . it was a lot like a futuristic brave little toaster, but not as depressing

Shell said...

"best animated movie of all time"?! Better than the 80s Transformers?? Shit.