Thursday, March 13, 2008


Here is the part where you save me.
Here is the scene where you save the day.
Why can’t the ending be happy?
Why must it always resolve this way?

Here I am, sitting at work, attempting to waste a bit of time. I have a chocolate bunny stuffed into my mouth rather comically while I type this. Here’s hoping my director doesn’t walk by my cube in the next few minutes. Anyway, I’ve just put the finishing touches on a project that I’ve been working on, so I don’t really have anything to do until they assign me something new. I think my manager is pretty busy with other more important projects, so he tends not to respond to e-mails in a timely fashion. I’m still waiting on word about the trip I want to take at the end of May. More on that later.

I would love to tell you all about it. My project, I mean. The first problem being that you probably wouldn’t understand any of it. And I don’t say that to be some sort of pompous ass. I say that because I didn’t understand it myself until about 48 hours ago, and that was after pouring over a few scores of technical documents for about three or four ten-hour days. Imagine someone taking a four-hundred page novel comprised mainly of non-existent words, removing all spaces, punctuation, and formatting, and then handing it to you. This is similar to what my life has consisted of this past week. The second problem being that if I told you, I would have to kill you.

But it works now, so that’s good.

Aside from work, not a whole lot has been going on recently. I get up at 6 every day, head to work by 6:30, arrive at 7:30, lunch at 11:30, go home at 6:30, and get in bed by 10:30. It’s not a very glamorous life that I lead. I’ve started trying to teach myself guitar. I’ve reached a point on the drums that I’m pretty satisfied with. I can play about 90% of the songs that I enjoy listening to, and I think to truly get any better, I’d have to go take some lessons solely for the purpose of getting my hand speed up. I figured I could move to guitar and try my hand at that for a while. It’s coming alright, I guess. I’ve taught myself the C and D chords, though transitioning between them is a comical task. I’ve also managed to learn the main riff (I honestly have no idea if that’s even the right term here) from “My Name is Jonas”. I think that means that I’ll be performing for a living in about three weeks. Buy your tickets now.

I’m also planning a trip to England. Finally. My initial plan, despite not being approved yet as mentioned before, is to leave on the 21st which is a Wednesday and get back on the 26th which is a Monday, I believe. That will give me a good length of time to hang out with Shell and maybe Lauren if she is available, plus see all of the touristy stuff since I’ve never been to England aside from switching planes at Heathrow with John on the way back from our cruise. I am really and truly excited about this, despite the fact that it’s going to cost me more than a house just to get there.

What else?

The National
Tegan and Sara
XM Channel 82
Shelley’s mixes . . .


Lauren said...

I will be available, silly boy. Of course I will be available.

Shell said...

JEREMY!!! These are all things I knew already, but I still get really happy to see you have written a post.

COME TO ENGLAND NOW! Do I need to call your boss and explain the urgency of the situtation? I'll do it...