Friday, December 14, 2007

We must form a band ...

Here are some names to get your creative juices flowing.


John said...

Two words:

Danger Bees.

J. Goerner said...

this saturday, let's make it a reality

Shell said...

Saturday! I'll be there on Saturday!! Can I be in the Danger Bees?

J. Goerner said...


you should come over to my house on thursday and play in Morningside

Shell said...

My dad is picking me up from the airport and we are going straight out for Tex-Mex.
Post Tem-Mex-aliciousness I will be free and was planning on hanging out with anyone and everyone who would like to.
I shall call you after dinner.

John said...

No, you're in Danger Bees. Official.

J. Goerner said...


john, i expect you to be on expert by then

L said...

i could be the roadie, yes?

Shell said...

See, that's the thing. I don't know if I am good enough to be in Danger Bees. I might let the team down...

I'll do dexterity exercises on the plane.

J. Goerner said...

or warm up those vocals

Shell said...

Blog or respond to my lengthy emails - your choice. =)

J. Goerner said...

e-mail is coming tomorrow

i just have to write it

Lauren said...

No pressure, but your words are pretty and I miss them.

Lauren said...

Also, as everyone who's spoken to me lately should know by now, 'just ... [writing] it' isn't necessarily as easy as it sounds.

Although I think even I could tap out an email.

L said...

technically, you're last post was a year ago. you're killing us, man!

Shell said...

Also, I have received no email. Jeremys make me sad!

J. Goerner said...

if i wrote a blog or an e-mail, i wouldn't be a terrible friend anymore

so . . .

Shell said...

so you want to be a terrible friend? I do not understand...