Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Jukebox Hero

I'd like to dedicate this update to Lauren B. Dawson a.k.a. LD a.k.a L-bow a.k.a The Creek. Her blog has recently exploded with growth of every kind, and so, she has seen fit to pester me for a new update. I consider this an odd request, mainly because in order to view my blog, she must use up her precious GIGABYTES to view the site (something which she has complained about several times). So LBD, here's to you.

I would like to take a personal wellness moment and declare openly, for the very first time, that I have the number three (3) score in the world on the drums for Coheed and Cambria's "Welcome Home" on Rock Band. There are several people I would like to thank. First, my father for purchasing my first drum set when I was 13. Second, I would like to thank Claudio Sanchez for making good music, and thirdly, I would like to thank the drummer whose work I have admired for some time. I also have the number six (6) high score on "Reptilia" by the Strokes. As you can see, I am proud of these accomplishments. Do not mock me. As far as total score goes, I'm still number 260-something, but I haven't finished all of them on Hard or Expert yet. There is a song or two in the last group that is balls-hard on the drums on both difficulties, plus there are a few bonus tracks I haven't beaten yet. (I love the song "I'm So Sick" by Flyleaf, though I know that all of you will most likely hate it. I know John did when we played it at his place. Her voice is great.)

I am proud to say that I've also begun playing guitar on Expert. I am about halfway through on that difficulty after beating most of them on Hard. I have never really been able to play Hard, let along Expert. I chock this up to the fact that RB is supposed to be easier than GH (or so I hear). But I think I like this. I like actually being able to play the songs. And I am obsessed with "When You Were Young" by the Killers. Shelley, you know how each GH game has come with that one song that you must play every time you pick up the guitar? Like "More Than a Feeling" for GH. The Killers' song is that song for me with Rock Band.

I beat Assassin's Creed. I loved every minute of it, and now I have to wait two years for a god-damned sequel. It's like with television, only worse. Because with Lost or The Office, I only have to wait a summer or six months until the next season. With this game, I'll presumably have to wait at least two years before the next one comes out. Let's hope that since the engine is already complete and (largely) error-free, they'll be able to pound the next one out in a year or so.

I have an interview on Monday with Schlumberger with an evening presentation the preceding Sunday evening. This sounds like an interesting position, but it would seem like I might have to wear a hard hat and steel-toed boots while I walk around examining oil wells and drilling/exploration devices. Plus, there is a small chance I could end up in Malaysia or Nigeria for seven to twelve months. I think I am excited by these things, but I am not totally sure.

Some girl from EMC has been contacting me lately about a position in Bellevue, WA. It sounds pretty exciting. I think now she is forwarding my resumé onto her manager, who will review it and make the decision to fly me out to Washington for the interview. If I get the job, it's 8 months of paid training in Massachusetts before returning to Bellevue. I'll be basically going from business to business installing EMC's data management systems, which seems like fun. Interacting with people, software. No problem.

My dad has an unhealthy obsession with that Dr. Pepper commercial involving the large African-American football player who scores his first touchdown and proceeds to perform a very long, very scandalous touchdown dance. Without fail, when the young man flips onto his face, and picks it up from the turf to offer the audience a comical smile, my father will crack up laughing. Sometimes, this laughter will commence far in advance of said head-pick-up. I do not understand this.

I saw No Country for Old Men, and I saw American Gangster. If King of Kong had not come out this year, I would have to say that NCfOM is the movie of the year. As that crown has been claimed already, it will have to settle for second place. But it's still a fantastic film. The dialogue is great, as is the action and the suspense. Of course, the Golden Compass comes out in a week and a half, which may vie for MOVIE OF THE GALAXY status. I guess we'll have to see.

"I have a contract with the child."


Ben said...

Props on being r33t at RB.

I beat AC yesterday. I'm looking forward to seeing where they going with the sequel. I also hope there's more variety/subtlety in the assassinations and combat - standing in a circle waiting to counter kill everyone got a little old.

Good luck with jobs.

Your dad is wrong about the DP commercial. Just wrong.

Shell said...

First off, it pains me that I haven't had the chance to play rock band yet. By the sound of it, you will all be bored with it when I get home. This is unacceptable. I will want to play... a lot. Try not to completely ware youself out in the next 3 weeks.
Secondly, GOLDEN. COMPASS. I don't expect you to wait for me. In fact, I'll probably see it before I come home. But, can we go see it again? I mean, assuming it's going to be good enough to see again (which, obviously, it will be). I could listen to that polar bear say "I have a contract with the child" all day.
Thirdly, I wish you all the luck in the world.
Fourthly, it makes me sad that I don't get American advertising references.
Fifthly, I just wanted to say fifthly.
Much Love!

J. Goerner said...


i kinda agree about subtlety in assassinations . . . but i get the idea that if I really -wanted- to be more subtle, i could have been . . . maybe that was just a feeling i got while i was jumping into the middle of 50 guys

like the one guy that you assassinate on the boat in the harbor . . . you can either get up to those battlements and then chase him off the rear of the boat (as i did the first time, then died), or you can scale the rear of the boat and stab him in the neck (subtle)

with regard to combat, up until the very end, i found myself making several exclamations while i counter-killed people (oh snap! or possibly DOOP!) . . . the animations were very well done and the ease of the controls made you feel like you were awesome without doing a whole lot, but it got old in the sense that if you were good at timing, you really didn't have much of a challenge

i don't really know -how- to make the combat better while keeping it simple and timing/rhythm based (instead of button mashed) . . .

J. Goerner said...


one can only drum/play guitar/sing alone, by yourself, for so long before you get tired of it . . . but rest assured, when we finally get a full band together, it will be merry and there will be much rock

golden compass

and be glad you haven't seen this DP commercial, because it is truly terrible . . . an abomination

John said...

I can't wait to see Golden Compass. Let's all go together. And pee on each other.


With all of this grad school stuff stacking up, I've been jonesing for RB. Good story, I know.

That DP commercial makes me angry. I mute it every single time it appears. Your dad might need a CAT scan.

Just sayin.

Shelley, I'm going to destroy every copy of RB before you get back so you can't play it. That'll show you to not up and move to Britain-ville.

On the subject of AC, I think the combat should definitely be more varied next time around. I still got a rise out of counter-strikes almost every time without fail when I played for a few hours, but I can easily imagine that fighting in general would get old, old, old. Maybe implementing the numerous buttons that aren't used at all during the game for combat modifiers would be useful. Using environments, throwing pots to thwart charging guards while disposing of a closer guard, throwing guards into other guards, limb-specific damage, etc. I don't know. All of that could affect the flow of the combat, but maybe not. It does seem silly, however, that you can be surrounded by ten or more guards and they wouldn't just stab the balls out of you from all sides. I think some strategy needs to be used here -- some incentive not to get cornered by a bunch of guys who want to turn you into ground chuck.

Lauren said...

1) Thanks for dedicating a post to me.
2) I'm going to start saying I live in Britain-ville.
3) Shell, would you like to see Golden Compass with me? Or do you have other plans? Do we want to incorporate the peeing?
4) I think (think) I was in England when John told me about the Killers' then-new song, When You Were Young. Your John, not Britain-ville John. I seem to remember sitting in my darkened Oxford room, listening to it from my laptop.
5) Congratulations on your Coheed score!

J. Goerner said...

i enjoy all of you people


Shell said...

Lauren. Yes, but only if I can say "I have a contract with the child" in reference to my promise to go see Golden Compass with you.
And I vote no on the peeing. We could just share a giant Coke or something instead - similar bonding expereince, I think...

J. Goerner said...

pretty sure there has to be peeing

John said...

Aren't Jeremy's John and Britain-ville John the same person?

Lauren said...

Nope. I have an English friend named John as well. So he would be Britain-ville John, though I understand your confusion.