Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Greatest 30 Seconds

I have never been so moved by a commercial. I have never been so happy as when I watch this commercial. I will never buy another kind of dog food. Ever.

Edit: There are several more recent commercials that have David Duchovny doing the voiceovers. They are all excellent. But I warn you. Do not watch the one where the dogs are in cages. It made me cry.


Shell said...

I can't watch this right now (at work) becuase I don't have any speakers. But, I will make a special trip to the wifi bar - as I am calling it now - this evening and watch it then.
I can say, without having watched it, that David Duchovny has a seriously woderful voice. I use to have a framed picture of him hanging on my wall when I was about 14. I bet you didn't know that about me. I bet you didn't want to know that about me either...

Lauren said...

My room was literally wallpapered with X-Files memorabilia from age 10 to age 15. If you think I'm obsessed with Buffy, it was nothing compared to how I was about the X-Files.

Which is to say, I, too, had Fox Mulder on my wall. And Scully and Skinner and the CSM ...

If I remember correctly, he has a dog named Bertha Blue. But that could be David Boreanaz. I think their dogs have similar names.

I think I'm pathetic, and I think I like your puppy commercial.

I also think it's sad that I can barely remember when the first folios of certain works came out ... but I recall in great detail the significance of 1013, 1121, and the CSM.

Shell said...

I've been to an X-files convention where I gave a hand written letter to Skinner (who was very flattered until he realized I want him to give to to David Duchovny).
She-ra and X-files. Lauren, you and I are strange, strange people.

Also, Jeremy, rub my belly. Go on. Rub my belly.

John said...

David Duchovny used to narrate The Red Shoe Diaries on Cinemax.


J. Goerner said...

it was showtime


L said...

whatwhatwhat about she-ra?! i had a she-ra themed birthday party once...

Lauren said...

I went to a convention, too! SHELL!

Wanna be my date to the X-FILES movie when it comes out? Wanna? I promise not to wear my x-files t-shirt. Which I did last time.

Every bit of money I had in those days was spent at Suncoast.

John said...

I was testing you, sir.

You've passed your mid-90's TV soft core porn exam.

Shell said...

Has anyone watched Californication show, or wahtever it's called (I am worried I am perhaps mixing it up with a red hot chili peppers song)? Anyone know if it's any good?

Also, Lauren D, yes. Definitely yes and you can ever wear your x-files shirt.

Lauren S, you are now a member of our awesome She-ra club. Congrats.

J. Goerner said...


they were tumultuous years, but boy were they rife with joy . . . the joy of softcore porn (i'm remembering a particularly haunting tale in which the main actress was some sort of egyptian queen, and the man saw fit to fornicate with her belly button? tell me you remember this)

p.s. i love you

J. Goerner said...

also, does anyone know what kind of dog the last dog is in that commercial? that's the kind of dog i'm getting . . . it's settled

Shell said...

I finally got to watch all the puppy commercials.

Yes. They are brilliant. While I really like the one in which David Duchovny asks me to rub his belly, I am still partial to the "we make good food for dogs" one. It's just so simple!

L said...

what you may not know about me is that i have owned several thick encyclopedias of dog breeds and i love trying to identify dogs. so i was really excited to answer your question but sadly the last white dog with huge ears is a very mutty mutt (and i use the word sad because the fact that it's a mutt makes it harder to find another like it).