Friday, November 30, 2007


Do it.


Shell said...

About 10 seconds into that first song, I figured out exactly why you like this band. Nothing beats a hot chick who can scream with the best of em', as far as Jeremys are concerned.

I've never been much for the scream-o. Though, I did like the second song alright (no screaming), and the paint idea is awesome.

Shell said...

Also, my Aunt must be able to hear my every want and desire because she had a copy of Northern Lights waiting for me when I went to see her this weekend.

Can't put it down.

Can't wait until Wednesday.

John said...

1) She's not hot. She's had to do a lot of heroin to look like that. I don't care how "Christian" they claim to be.
2) Don't "do it."
3) The second song is actually tolerable. Tolerable.

J. Goerner said...


Shell said...

I started to wonder about their godliness half way through that first song. Is there a lot of hardcore screaming Jesus music?

J. Goerner said...


underoath, one of my favorite bands

the chariot

to name a few

J. Goerner said...

oh, and norma jean! man, they were good

John said...

Shell, I'm surprised you didn't know that 99% of screaming awful bands out there aren't really in league with Satan at all. Can't you see Jesus rocking the fuck out to Flyleaf? Oh, if you want a sense of how brilliant their lead singer is, check out their Wikipedia article. I love what she has to say about whether or not they're a Christian band.

Of course, 99% of lead singers in bands are that stupid, so I don't know why I'm singling her out. She looks like a Mogwai to me, though. Just sayin.

Are we doing Golden Compass on Friday? Please? Dinner before? Then I have to study for the GRE...again.

Shell said...

I can't say I spend much time listening to/reading up on/having any interaction at all with screaming bands. Like I said in the first comment, just not that into the scream-o RAWR thing.

And no, had no clue they were all Jesus bands too.

Perhaps its not the most eloquent explaination, but I think the Christian Plumber argument could have been worse.

John said...

Maybe it was the valley-girlish delivery Lauren gave when she read it to me that pushed it over the edge for me. I have to admit that.

J. Goerner said...


dinner and golden COMPASSSSSSSSsss

Shell said...

I wanna come!!!

John said...