Friday, September 28, 2007

The Future is Now

HP unveiled a new gaming machine prototype back in April. Here is a video of it in action. After watching this, you might want to check out this site to get a feel for what it really does. Basically, it utilizes GPS and other new technologies to turn your surroundings into a video game or Mediascape.

One (simple) example that I've uncovered so far is a Whack-a-Mole game. You run around a field searching for these mole holes and then you have to stomp on them to get points. Mind blown.


Shell said...

I can't say I fully understand how that works. But I can say that is awesome.

John said...

NOOOOOOONE would ever walk around doing that.


Cool technology, but there's a pretty limited scope of who would use it.

J. Goerner said...

i would have to agree

but as ricky bobby says,

"no no, he died . . . i just think it's cool we're trying stuff like that"