Tuesday, August 14, 2007

More Office

I started watching the British Office on Netflix due to a serious lack of Series 3 of the American version. I found, quite to my surprise, that I enjoyed the American version much, -much- more. I loved Ricky Gervais and have always been a huge fan of the guy who plays Tim, and after hearing from nearly every fan of the series as a whole that the British version was better, I was surprised I felt otherwise. Granted, I've only watched the first half of the first season, but I think I love Pam too much to enjoy the other version as much. Plus, the Dwight character is sixty times better than the Gareth character. It seems like all the other background characters play a much larger role in the American version too, which I enjoy.


John said...

see, i've quit even comparing the two because to me they're apples and oranges. gareth and dwight are totally different and bring totally different dynamics to each show. i can't say that i like dwight better than gareth, but i think each rendition is equally strong.

for my money, the british version offers way more genuine belly laughs and heartbreaking drama. many disagree with me on that point and that's totally understandable.

however, i definitely think the american version is more likeable. by a longshot.

Shell said...

I find the British version to be more of a painfully awakard funny than the american, which sometimes I want.
I think a lot of people say the British version is better either because 1. they want to sound hip, but don't really know what they are talking about or 2. they watched the Brisith version first and then saw the first few episodes of the American version (when it was litterally taking British scripts and remaiking them) and said it was a cheap and unecesary knockoff.
I fell into the later category when I first saw the American office. But after the first few episodes the American version fell into its own and is, I think, incredibly enjoyable. I agree with you character wise - there seems to be a little more development in the American version that really goes a long way.

John said...

here's the thing for my friends and i (most of which have seen most or all of both shows and still think the british version is superior)--the american version is almost goofy in its execution. sure, the british version has its fair share of over-the-top moments, but i watch the british version and think "this could actually be a place of work." the american version strikes me as so unrealistic that i can't help but think from time to time that it's an inferior show.

this isn't to say at all that i don't absolutely schedule my thursday nights around it. i do. i can't wait for the third season to come out.

as for the "characters are more developed" argument, this is simply an argument for television format. i'm sure if "series" (as they call them in jolly old) were 22-24 episodes long in the uk, then we'd see more character development with more characters. i think it's way more impressive from a writing standpoint that the british version gave so much rich character to a handful of characters in such a limited amount of time, where the american version could have done nothing but develop other characters over two 24-episode seasons (and six more from the first season).

i just think it's a shame that americans in general can't accept a show that has basically four characters (david brent, tim, dawn, and gareth), and has to turn this formula into developing about 12 different characters.

of course, this kind of brings me back to my very first point in my first post--the shows are way too different to compare at this point. i almost wish they could go back and totally eliminate the first six episodes of the american version to separate itself even further.

i love both shows equally. my fear is that the american version doesn't have another 24 great episodes in it--i can't help but think they're backing themselves into a corner with the current direction of the show (you'll see what i mean when you watch the entire third season, jeremy). it's kind of a shame, because i can see a great ending with the end of the third season, but now with at least another 24 episodes i'm a little skeptical.

i can't wait, though.

Shell said...

How am I suppose to know what is going on in your life if you don't post it publicly on a website?!


J. Goerner said...

When I get back from the Caymans, I will put up a post. Hopefully with pictures. Of turtles.