Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Hot Rod

Shelley and I got into an advance screening of Hot Rod tonight. There's really only one question you guys want the answer to: will I enjoy this movie?

The answer is a multi-parter, coming in the form of many questions. Do you hate Andy Samberg? Do you enjoy watching people get hurt? Do you enjoy watching Andy Samberg get hurt? If you answered yes to any of these questions, go see this movie. Plus, Will Arnett is in it, which is totally cool. There's enough humor and quotable lines to keep me happy. Plus, the fact that it was free, and I was eating cookies and ice cream made it all the more enjoyable. Again, Andy Samberg gets his ass beat for two hours. Awesome.


Shell said...

This movie is awful. Terrible. More than any other movie in recent memory, there is nothing in this movie not in the preview. In fact, I would argue that the "plot" not seen in the preview actually weakens the film.
Not unlke the Final Desination series, I think this movie would have benefited from embracing what it was - two hours of that jackass getting the crap beat out of him. Now, that's funny. Some thinly strung together plot to make it "appropriate" for him to get the crap beat out of him? Annoying and unnecessary.
I don't reccomend this as a theater go-er. Wait until it's on video; or better yet, wait until it's on TV at 2 in the morning and you are with at least two other people (with all of you being delirously tired or hopped up on caffine). Then I think you can truly enjoy it.

J. Goerner said...

i keep thinking of all the great moments in that film, then i want to watch anchorman